Cultural Plan Task Force
The Cultural Plan Task Force's report was accepted by council for adoption on Monday, September 12th, 2016.
The Task Force has fulfilled its mandate, and the District of Summerland is responsible for implementing the plan. For more information, contact Angelique Wood, the Community Development Coordinator: or 250-404-4066.
Click the image below to view the Cultural Plan:

Notes on our Community Conversations: thanks for all your ideas!
Cultural Survey
We were out and about with our Cultural Survey, finding out what people think of culture in Summerland. We received over 400 responses. Thank you!
Communication Boards
Watch for these around town! We'd love to know what you think.
You can also share your thoughts on our Facebook page or by emailing us at
1. What makes Summerland's culture unique compared to other Okanagan communities?
2. What cultural strengths should Summerland build on?
3. What cultural activities would add to the quality of life in Summerland?
The purpose of the Cultural Plan Task Force (the “Task Force”) is to undertake a cultural planning process and develop a Community Cultural Plan (the “Plan”). The Plan will provide a comprehensive long-term plan that will shape Summerland’s cultural development.
The objective of the Task Force is to develop a plan within 12 months.
In order to fulfill its purpose, the Task Force will identify effective engagement tools and undertake a public participation process that encourages a high level of local input.
The Task Force shall be responsible for developing a Plan that:
understands the values and perspectives of the whole community;
addresses cultural trends and issues, including funding challenges;
promotes collaboration, partnerships, and local action; and,
creates a shared sense of direction and envisions a preferred future.
The Task Force will prepare a final draft of the Community Cultural Plan and submit it to Council within 12 months of the Task Force’s inception. Two interim reports should be submitted to Council, one by the end of October 2015 and one by the end of February 2016.